National Utilities Regulatory Commission
Sans Souci, Castries, Saint Lucia
Telephone (758) 456-0790/ 456-0866, Fax: (758) 452-4862, Email:, Website:
“NURC to Host First ‘ Women’s International Women’s Day” Event at the Uptown Gardens Girls Centre”
In an era when women’s voices are increasing worldwide, International Women’s Day will be commemorated globally on March 8, 2019 through a rich blend of initiatives, celebrating women’s accomplishments, opportunities and potential, while reflecting on this year’s theme: “Balance for Better”. The theme focuses on innovative ways to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure.
This year, the National Utilities Regulatory Commission (NURC) will join thousands across the globe to observe International Women’s Day 2019. On March 7, 2019, The NURC, a female driven organization will join forces to deliver a presentation which aims to motivate, inspire, build confidence, connect, empower and honor the girls at the Uptown Gardens Girl Centre and the small group of staff who selflessly commit continuous support towards their success.
The presentation will include a lineup of engaging female speakers who have a proven track record for advancing gender equality both academically and professionally and will be spearheaded by the keynote speaker Mrs. Alison Jean, Chief Executive Officer of the NURC. The event offers a unique and motivational experience geared towards creating opportunities for the girls to network and build relationships with like-minded women who share the desire and passion for growth.
While the NURC may not see the positive changes that it aspires to immediately, it’s important for women to remain diligent and steadfast for the generations to come. Gender equality is a global imperative that can advance economic growth, reduce poverty, and promote stability. It can provide a necessary foundation for a peaceful, stronger, and a more sustainable world where everyone has opportunities to succeed. Equality and innovation drives empowerment; our society must support women as they thrive to care and nurture while contributing their quota to national development and innovation.