- To advise the Minister on the formulation of national policy on matters relating to utility supply services.
- To promote the efficient and economic development of the utility supply services sector.
- To ensure the economic regulation of utility supply services.
- To ensure compliance with the Government’s international and regional obligations relating to utility supply services.
- To be responsible for the technical regulation of utility supply services and the setting of technical standards having regard to international standards and best practice relating to utility supply services.
- To receive, consider and determine applications for service licences to provide utility supply services pursuant the Regulatory Acts.
- To establish, approve, monitor and review tariff schemes and tariffs in accordance with any Regulatory Act.
- To monitor and ensure that service licensees comply with the conditions attached to their service licences.
- To monitor and ensure compliance with standards set pursuant to section 45(2);
- To ensure the protection of the interest of consumers in relation to the provision of the utility supply service.
- To receive and evaluate consumer complaints and resolve disputes in accordance with section 39.
- To promote competition and monitor anti-competitive practices in the utility supply services and advise the competent authority responsible for the regulation of anti-competitive practices accordingly.
- To maintain a register containing records of service licensees in the prescribed form.
- Undertake in conjunction with other institutions and entities where practicable, training, manpower planning, seminars and conferences in areas of national and regional importance in utility supply services.
- To conduct research relating to utility supply services as may be necessary.
- To report to and advise the Minister on the economic, financial, legal, technical, environmental and social aspects of the utility supply services sector.
- To require payment of and collect fees payable under this Act and the Regulatory Acts.
- To perform such other functions specified in this Act, any other Regulatory Acts or the Regulations.